
A Metal Heart Shines Brightest: Book Review

Back Cover Blurb for A Metal Heart Shines Brightest: A Dystopian Novella by Michael Duda:

Young One watches the metal people proudly marching back to Tekna Magnus. They give meaning to her simple existence on an apple farm. If she could be just like the metal people, she too would bring joy and hope to others.

But after jumping the protective chain-link fence, the world is not what she first believed.

A virus has infected the world, slowly rotting the body. The dirty bloods, those infected by the virus, don’t want her help. And Crow, a man made of both flesh and metal, wants to use her for his own purposes. Even the metal people are not what she first thought.

With no place to go, not even the apple farm, can Young One discover what she truly wants and still survive a dystopian world?

“The heart can always change. But metal will only rust.”

Michael Duda, A Metal Heart Shines Brightest

I am so excited to share that this novella is my first (digital) Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of a pre-publication book. I received it (for free) through BookSirens, and really enjoyed the insight it gives me into the process of the publishing industry and how reviews drive exposure. I hope to do more of these in the future.

As for the story itself, here is my honest review:

See the world through the fresh eyes of this story, just be prepared for a brutal coming of age journey through a world full of tech and biotech wonders inspired by modern day life. The reality of living your dreams never matches the illusion, but doing hard things prepares you for the journey ahead.

I deducted one star each for two separate sections of choppy, unmotivated or unclear action. Other than that, this was a fun, quick read.

What do you think?