About Me

Hello and welcome! This site and life in general are continually under construction. There are lots of cute pictures of our kids on the family blog.  If you are looking for more about what I do or how to apply data science to chemical engineering problems, check out Element of Science. This site is more about me.

I am curious about the world. One way to satisfy this toddler-like enthusiasm for “why?” is to read. I like both non-fiction, describing the world as is, and fiction, especially sci fi, describing it as it could be. 

I especially like exploring science through story. As a scientist, a student, and a mother of students, I’m disappointed when science can seem like just a pile of facts to memorize and not a creative method of inquiry. It is both the pile of facts that are the best we currently can agree to and a method of picking up and looking at those facts to check if they are really real. I want my kids (and all people really) to understand that science is not just a subject that you are good or bad at. Rather, science is like mindfulness in that it is a practice of paying attention on purpose in a specific way.