
Hello world!

Welcome to my blog. Since this blog is a collection of my research and thoughts about petroleum and potential plant-based replacements for both petroleum-derived fuels and chemicals, let’s start with petroleum. Most Americans have a vague sense of what it is. Petroleum is the liquified left overs of biological materials from the time of the dinosaurs that has been transformed by the heat and pressure inside the earth into a dark, gooey crude oil that is pumped out of the Earth and refined to make modern societies go. As such, it is worth a lot of money, and therefore people fight over it. Wikipedia has a lovingly maintained, much longer summary here for the curious.

3 replies on “Hello world!”

Yes, you will get a lot of stupid comments including a link to someone’s website. Report them at junk first, then just ignore them as they are a PITA. This is a book not a blog!

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