
My favorite Me

Today’s prompt asks about our favorite parts of ourselves. Every trait or characteristic has aspects that are both “good” and “bad when viewed from a place of impartial judgement. But none of these parts exist alone, in isolation. So instead, today I am focusing on my favorite version of myself.

Like when you step on your yoga mat and start stretching, you wake up and get to both discover and create the you that you will be today. Is your lower back tight? Is your brain particularly chatty or distractible? Are you on top of things today? Then the honest accountability of seeing if you are living into this version you are telling yourself that you are- Did you make your bed?

My favorite me shows up. She is there for her friends and family and she is there for herself. Showing up is usually at least half the battle. Bonus points for showing up with compassion and openness. May favorite me learns from mistakes, both her own and hopefully, those of others. She can handle the challenges life throws at her and appreciates the moments of joy in the journey. She lives this life experiencing everything as if she can’t go back and she won’t get another. My favorite me is curious and interested in seeking the truth, but also in viewing the truth in its most compassionate light. If I have learned one thing in my time here, it is that when other people do things that you want to judge, they probably have a good reason and a different view of the situation. Trying to see what that is typically removes many false choices between being honest and being kind.

Living into my favorite me is not easy, and not someone I get to meet every day. Bringing her to life is a continuous and imperfect practice. But I’m not sure of any better way to live.

brown wooden framed canopy above yoga mat
Photo by Tiff Ng on

What do you think?