
One Perfect Day

There are two different types of ideal days in my mind.

One is the exceptional ordinary. That’s the day that you wake up rested just before your alarm, and do the normal everyday things you have to do in a healthy body. It’s productive, but not remarkable. You have dinner with your family or friends. At the end of the day, you are closer to your goals than when you started. I have heard that these are what people miss when they get sick, but they can be hard to appreciate because of their regularity when you are in the midst of them and can still leave you exhausted.

The other kind of ideal day is an exceptional ideal day. People make bucket lists to describe these special once in a lifetime experiences they want to have. I have some of these checked off and some still incubating. Exploration is a true joy for me. Travel is one method for me to tap into that joy. My honeymoon hiking in the Galapagos Islands twice a day and relaxing on the boat the rest of the day with my new husband would be hard to top. But then, exploring the Greek Isles with the family we created together was also pretty spectacular.

But are those trips better than a beautiful day walking the same route around our home that we have journeyed hundreds or thousands of times together? Or the forest where we watch the seasons come and go in a never ending cycle that still holds surprises no matter how many times I experience it? Better is not the right word. They are certainly different. I do not think there is just one perfect day. I am lucky to have a bunch of both kinds of perfect days in my life.

What do you think?