

Today’s Bloganuary prompt is: What is something you wish you knew how to do?

There are so many things to wish for, it can be hard to narrow it down. Ideally, I’d like to know how to control matter and energy and live free from consequences, but those are genie-in-a-bottle-type wishes. In the real world, I am more interested in wishes I can work toward. One particular wish I am working on is knowing how to communicate more effectively with those around me.

Moving to a country where I do not speak the language as an adult has been a challenge on a number of levels. Even as a young person, learning languages was not among my strengths. As an adult, practicing a new language is like having a foreign invader in my mind and mouth. I don’t hear all the relevant sounds. Never the less, I continue to practice and learn because every step at getting better makes my daily life smoother.

Blogging is another opportunity for me to practice my communication skills. This a place to record, clarify and crystallize my thoughts. This is one factor that motivated me to take part in this Bloganuary challenge. Without work, wishes wither and wane.

What do you think?